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NEW The revolutionary new Pain free, Non-invasive NAIL CORRECTION SYSTEM - ONYFIX®

ONYFIX® is the newest technology used to treat ingrown, involuted and split toenails. It acts as a composite brace allowing the nail to reshape and naturally grow out. The entire process is pain-free, from start to finish.
ONYFIX® will grow with the toenail and help the toenail grow in the correct position.

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Ingrown toenails

Removing the corner or spike of the nails which is growing into the toe's skin and calming down the pain instantly once it is removed.

Fungal nail treatment 

Cutting the length of the nails, cleaning as much as possible the fungus, reducing the thickness of the nails to reduce the pressure of the shoes on the nails and advising about the appropriate treatment. Treatment of the fungus can take up to 18 months to subside. 



Removing the hard skin from the feet area, establishing the causes and advising of appropriate footwear to avoid developing hard skin again. 



Removing the hard skin and exposing the corn which will be removed releasing the pain created. Looking for the causes of what created the corn and advising about the footwear to prevent the corn forming back. 


Verrucas or warts

Removing the hard skin as much as possible exposing the root of verruca and applying medicaments and reducing the pain from the pressure on the affected area. The appointment for verrucas is  about 15 - 20 minutes every two weeks, depending on the size of the verrucas, treatments are varying, provoking an immune response of the body.

Athlete's Foot 

It is a contagious fungal infection of the toes and feet, left untreated can spread to a toenail causing a fungal nail infection. Once diagnosed, it can be treated with creams, sprays and powder forms while the feet and the spaces between the toenails are kept dry, and to succeed it is important that the treatment be carried on for another two weeks after all symptoms and signs of Athlete's Foot disappear. 


Diabetic Foot advice

Diabetic Foot is considered a foot at risk and should be regularly checked by a professional to make sure that any problems the feet might have do not evolve into any complications.  It is very important to know how to take care of your feet if you have diabetes, to know how to bathe them, moisturise, cut your toenails and to see a professional for treating your calluses and corns for taking the pressure off the area. 


Footwear advice 

Footwear advice is important for comfort and general well-being of your feet and ankles. It is good to know about the length, width and depth of your shoes specially in the toe box of the shoes to allow a normal foot function and what inserts to use for taking off the pressure on the foot.

The first appointment will last around an hour, and if needed, neuro vascular assessment will be included. The price for each treatment is £ 30.00.

The treatment of an ingrown, involuted or split toenails for an adult using the new ONYFIX® technology will cost between £ 30.00 - £ 120.00 per each toenail, depending on the presentation of the toenails , and half price for a child.

ONYFIX Service
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